Pros and Cons of Starting an Interior Design Business

the pros and cons of starting your own interior design business without an interior design business coach

If you have artistic talent and a passion for interior design, why not turn your talent into a design business? Learn everything you need to know about starting from a certified interior design business coach. But don’t just jump into this decision without considering the benefits and drawbacks of starting an interior design business. Here are some things to think about before making your decision


  • Time Autonomy
  • Build your own brand
  • Dictate your style
  • Limitless Income

Time Autonomy

It’s a great feeling to be able to work on your own terms, and that’s one of the biggest benefits of running an interior design business. You can set your own hours and take time off when you need it, which is incredibly liberating!

You can also travel whenever you want to–whether it be for a vacation or business trip–and still keep up with clients back home. It’s not uncommon for freelancers like me who live in New York City but work remotely with clients all over the world (I’m currently working with someone in South Africa). In fact, many people launch their businesses out of necessity because they want more autonomy over their lives while still making money doing something they love: designing spaces!

If your looking for simple ways to improve your time management, you can read all about in this great blog post here


interior design business coach client management


Build your own brand

You can build your own brand. An interior design business coach can teach you to be your own boss and create a business around your passion for interior design. You don’t have to worry about what other people think of you, because you’re in charge!

But there are also some drawbacks:

  • It can be hard to get started when you’re just starting out in the industry with no client base or contacts yet. Your first few clients may not come as quickly as they would if they were referred by someone else who already knew and trusted both of you (like an existing client).
  • If something goes wrong with one project or client relationship, it could affect all future jobs in that area–and possibly even worse things could happen if this person gets angry enough at being let down by their designer that they start spreading bad reviews online about how terrible all designers are (and thus hurting everyone).


interior design business coach helps you pick your style


Dictate your style

The pros of starting an interior design business are numerous, but one of the biggest is that you have the freedom to create a style that is true to yourself. This can be challenging when working with clients who may not share your vision or have specific needs and preferences. Working with an interior design business coach can help you start your own company and create your own rules. If you want to learn more about the styles of interior designers you can read more about it here

Limitless Income

The most obvious benefit of starting an interior design business is the limitless income potential. You can make as much money as you want, which means that there are no limits on how many clients you can have or how much they will pay for your services. This freedom is what attracts many people to this field of work; it gives them the opportunity to create their own schedule and work from home so that they never have to worry about commuting again!


  • It takes a lot of learning.
  • You’ll have to do some sweat equity.
  • The path is lonely and hard, but worth it!
interior design business coach helps you reduce risks ahead


More risks

If you’re looking to start an interior design business, there are more risks involved than a regular 9-5 job. In a traditional business, you may have some ups and downs over the course of a year but generally speaking, there’s stability and predictability in having a steady paycheck coming in every month. However, when it comes to starting your own business as an interior designer or decorator (or any other kind of freelance profession), there is no guarantee that things will work out as planned or that you’ll make money at all!

This lack of stability can be scary for some people; however if this doesn’t bother you then it’s actually quite exciting because it means that if things go well–and they could!–then everything will be better than expected! But before we get too excited about all those possibilities…we should talk about some risks involved with starting an interior design business too:

making plans with an interior design business coach


Requires Sweat Equity

You’re going to have to put in a lot of hard work. You’ll need to get up early and stay up late, and you’ll probably spend more hours than you’d like working on weekends. You’ll need patience as well–it takes time for your business (and reputation) to grow organically, so don’t expect overnight success or even quick results from marketing efforts.

The pros definitely outweigh the cons in this case; however, if any one of these points makes you uncomfortable or scares you off from starting an interior design business, then maybe this isn’t right for you right now.

You can read more about the whole story of how I started my own interior design business here

Requires a lot of Learning

When you start an interior design business, there are a lot of things that you need to learn. You will have to learn how to communicate well with people and work with budgets. You will also need to understand the client’s vision and goals so that your designs can meet their needs.

Lonely Path

If you’re thinking about starting an interior design business, the first thing to do is to ensure that your heart’s in it. It can be a lonely path, especially when you’re just starting out and have no clients yet. But if you love what you do and are willing to put in the effort required of an entrepreneur, then by all means go for it!

You’ll also need a team–both human and non-human. You should have at least one coworker who understands your vision and can help execute it; this person might be another designer or contractor working with you on projects. If there’s no one else available locally (or within driving distance), consider finding someone via websites like Elance or oDesk where designers are available worldwide at reasonable rates–and no travel expenses! The Internet has made everything possible nowadays; don’t let distance stop you from getting started today!


If you’re looking to start your own interior design business and make it a success, an interior design business coach could highlight a lot of factors that come into play. You need to consider what kind of work environment will suit you best, how much money you need to invest and whether or not this is something that will fit into your lifestyle. If you’re still unsure about whether or not starting an interior design business is right for you then we suggest taking a checking out the most comprehensive interior design business course out there here 


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Eric Lee

desigN BUSINESs coaCH

Multiple Business Owner, Award-winning Designer, Business Coach for Creatives, and now… Master Trainer. 

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