How to Start an Interior Design Brand? – The Interior Design Business Coach

How launch an interior design brand? tips from an interior design business coach

How to launch an interior design brand?

Have you ever considered launching an interior design brand? If so, you should know that it’s not difficult to become an interior designer — as long as you have the right skills and qualifications. In this article, we will give you some tips on how to do just that: from defining your concept, services and target audience, finding an expert, having a business plan, developing yourself as a brand, taking care of your business rather than just projects, building a marketing strategy (including lead generation), fostering relationships with industry professionals and referrals sources…and much more! 

Interior design business process

Define your concept, services and target audience.

The first step in building an interior design brand is making sure that you understand your target audience. If you don’t know your target audience, then it will be difficult to communicate with them and get them interested in what you have to offer.

To understand your target audience, ask yourself these questions:

  • What is my personality?
  • What does my brand stand for?
  • How can I convey this message through the products or services that I provide?

In order to answer these questions, it may be helpful to do some market research by talking with friends/family members who could potentially become customers as well as researching competitor brands online.

interior design business coach Eric Lee doing 1-2-1 design business coaching

Find an expert and be open to new ideas.

You don’t have to be an expert in interior design to start a successful business. It’s important to find someone the best interior design business coach for you who is knowledgeable about the industry, but also willing to help you navigate the world of interior design on your own terms.

This person can act as a mentor and advisor for your brand, providing insight into navigation of trends and current events, as well as advising on business planning strategies and marketing outlets. They will act as an objective voice when it comes time for brainstorming new ideas or reevaluating older ones.

Finally, they should provide guidance on sales tactics—from social media posts to ad campaigns—and help with relationships with customers; it’s essential that you stay open-minded throughout this process so that you’re able to incorporate their ideas into your own without being afraid of stepping outside your comfort zone! If something seems unfamiliar or uncomfortable at first glance, ask questions until you understand what’s going on.

Interior Design Business Planning

Have a business plan to establish milestones.

Having a business plan that identifies milestones and tasks will help you stay on track with the launch of your interior design brand. Your goals should be ambitious but realistic, so that you don’t feel overwhelmed or discouraged by too much work at once.

Once your plan is in place, it can serve as an excellent guide for future projects and give you a sense of accomplishment when each milestone is reached. 

Develop yourself as a brand, grow your social media presence and be active in online and offline communities.

When you are launching an interior design business, it is essential to have an online presence so that you can reach potential clients. You should have a website where people can find out more about the services that you offer and see examples of your past work. If possible, use social media platforms to build your brand by engaging with other interior designers on Instagram or Twitter; posting pictures of their homes; sharing articles with tips for decorating homes etcetera.

You should also get involved with local events such as Women’s Day or National Design Week where there is likely to be lots of interest from potential clients who want more information about what you do and how they can hire you for their next project.

Content marketing is another great way for interior designers to promote themselves online because it creates interesting content which attracts new clients but also helps them build trust among existing customers by showing them how much value they provide.

making plans with an interior design business coach

Take care of your business, not just projects.

As a designer, you have the power to create beautiful rooms that fulfill your client’s needs and reflect their personalities. But what about your own business? As an interior designer launching a brand, it’s important to focus on more than just your projects—you also need to make sure you’re taking care of yourself and getting organized.

Think about getting insurance for your company. Your liability insurance is essential for covering any damages or injuries that may happen on site, but if your business has employees or subcontractors working with you (like contractors), it may be helpful to get workers’ compensation coverage as well. You can also look into other types of coverage depending on the specific needs of your industry or state regulations: commercial auto, product liability, cyber liability insurance are all worth looking into as well.

You should also keep track of how much money is coming in and going out so that you know when there are problems with cash flow. Having good financial management skills will help ensure that there are no surprises if things go wrong!

interior design business increased social media increased activity

Build a marketing strategy to attract clients, including lead generation channels.

With your brand name and tagline in place, the next step is to build a marketing strategy to attract clients. Your lead generation channels will help you generate qualified leads, which are people who show interest in working with you.

Lead generation channels include:

  • Social media: Facebook and Instagram ads, LinkedIn groups
  • Google search ads (GSA)
  • Outreach emails to relevant websites and bloggers who have written about similar topics
interior designer shaking hands with client at their home

Foster relationships with industry professionals and referral sources.

  • Build relationships with other designers, architects and contractors. It’s important to build a strong network of trusted allies in your industry who can provide referrals, feedback or help you out if there are any issues.
  • Be active in industry groups and communities. There are many online forums where you can learn from people who have been through the same processes as you, as well as share ideas with others and make connections that will benefit your business in the long run.
  • Use social media to build relationships with potential clients. Social media is an excellent way for interior designers to reach new audiences because it allows them to connect directly with viewers—and that includes potential customers! If you are fairly new to social media or need industry insights you should check out our comprehensive Interior Designer Social Media Content Plan free template today!By establishing yourself on platforms like Facebook or Instagram, you will be able to communicate directly with potential clients about what kind of services you offer as well as how they can contact you for more information about working together on large projects (or even smaller ones).
    This kind of direct communication also allows customers access into their own lives via visual content like photos taken during projects or updates on what’s going on behind-the-scenes at your office space (if relevant).

If you’re new to the interior design business world, you might be wondering how to manage your finances effectively. That’s where our Interior Design Business Startup Cost Calculator comes in. This invaluable tool is designed to help aspiring interior designers like you estimate the costs involved in launching your brand and create a comprehensive budget. It provides a clear breakdown of expenses, from legal setup fees to the cost of design software and monthly rent prices. 

The key is consistency and patience in the first 1-2 years of the start-up phase

When you’re just starting out, it can be very easy to get discouraged and lose focus. The key is consistency and patience in the first 1-2 years of the start-up phase.

This is a great time for reflection because if you feel like giving up, then think about why you want to do this in the first place. You need to work hard and stay focused on what you are doing. Be patient with yourself because it will take some time before things start happening but don’t give up!

Create a vision board using our very free template to guide you so that when times get tough or there are moments of doubt, you can remind yourself why you started this journey in the first place. 


Now that we’ve covered all of the topics in this list, you should have a better idea of what it takes to launch an interior design brand. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel here; all you need is some planning and patience. The key is consistency and patience in the first 1-2 years of your start-up phase. Once you get past that point, though, things will start falling into place easily for you as long as they stay on track!

You can book a free strategy call with the renowned interior design business coach, Eric Lee. This one-on-one conversation is your chance to discuss your aspirations, clarify doubts, and chart a course towards a successful interior design venture. Eric’s wealth of experience and expertise is at your disposal to ensure you’re on the right track.

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Interior Design Business Coach Eric Lee

Eric Lee

desigN BUSINESs coaCH

Multiple Business Owner, Award-winning Designer, Business Coach for Creatives, and now… Master Trainer. 

Eric Lee

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